
It was a cold, crisp dry season day in The Bay. The rains had stopped, the warm wet season had morphed into the cold wet season, and it in turn had given way to The Dry. Clear blue skies, hard orange, red and black twilight sun rises and sets. Fog on the ground in the mountain gullies in the mornings, and cold hands and feet before dawn. Wetsuits in the water, and hot drinks afterwards. Some people around here call it Winter Time. It’s a term that has always been oddly incongruous for Australian conditions, and one of those colonial hang-ups we have carried over from the olden days and the cultural cringe. White fella came here from England and they didn’t like anything they saw. Because everything was better in England, Ye Olde Mother Country, that sent us overhere in abject misery and slavery to break our backs and kill ourselves for the greater glory and profit of the blokes holding the whips. So of course the land had to be remade in the image of the old country. Therefore ...