
Where-poppa-pee-oo! Where-poppa-pee-oo! Wiii-poppa-pi! There's a bird that lives here in this country, right where the edge of the Western Desert meets the borderland of the ocean. When the dark red dry season sunrise begins to creep over the land, shedding its first tentative forays of light into the world, the bird is awake, and heralds the breaking of the dawn to the world. You can hear him, if, like me, you're awake well before daybreak, and are getting ready to start the day. He goes by a variety of names. Wherepoppapeeoo-bird is one of them. As far as onomatopoeic animals names go, i.e. names that mimick the noise made by the animal, such as cuckoo, kookaburra and boobook-owl, it's not the most catchy one around, nor the easiest one to get rolling off the tongue. It's no surprise therefore that the bird is known by a swathe of other names. Chief among these is What's That Bloody Thing Outside My Window When I'm Trying To Sleep In the Mornin...