Birth Of A Nation

26 January 1788 Several wooden ships with tall masts and big white sails sail into a huge river mouth, surrounded by rolling hills on all sides. They drop their anchors, and, before long, a row boat is lowered over one side, a whole heap of people get in, and they start rowing to the shore. On the water all around them there are dozens of canoes with people in them who are fishing and doing various things. Smoke is curling off the canoes, which have small fires burning in them, and the people are using traps and nets and spears. At the sight of the big ships they turn away and head towards shore. In the wooden row boat heading towards the shore there’s a strange collection of people. Some are barely covered in rags, and they are bent over the oars and are pulling the boat closer to land. Others are dressed in bright red coats, and they are holding muskets, not doing anything else. In the front of the boat is a bloke, standing up, one foot in the bottom of the boat, the ...