Mushroom Rock

There’s a lot of different kinds of rock in the world, the vast majority of which, I’m sure, I know nothing about. My understanding of rock formation and geology is basic and rudimentary and couldn’t begin to touch at a comprehensive overview. I know that some rocks are sedimentary, where sand and gravel and similar material has been deposited somewhere over untold eons, in beds of rivers, or lakes or seas, and after layer upon layer of this has been put down it is then compressed, somehow, maybe by its own weight, maybe by other layers of rock lifting themselves up and folding themselves over it, or cliffs caving in and mountains collapsing and falling down on top of it. This gives sandstone and similar things. It typically shows shelving layers of rock, parallel running fragments of long shards, in which often fossils can be found: fossilised ripples of an ancient seabed, or the skeleton of a marine animal squashed flat, or imprints of seashells, sometimes occurring high on top...